Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I wanna' be....


The last thing I need is to be Selfish. To be Heard for what I want. 

I wanna' be still and know, Jesus Is Here. And be able to Rest in knowing "Just" that. 

Beyond the noise I want to Hear His Voice. 

Here's my heart. Take and seal it.

He is Good. 2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”  
In my weakness

Thank you Jesus! (: 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Didn't you know?

...that I am always searching for your Heart. I just had one of those shocker moments when God's just like "Hey YOU! Yeah you! The one who has started to stray..." Yeah. That's me. I Have to work on this. Ya know. The Jesus bit. 

I saw this on Pinterest (my latest "thing".) and it just "clicked"! Do you ever have those clicky moments? Yeah? So then you know how I feel. It says, "You don't know, do you? That in a crowded place my eyes will always Search for you." Ah... the way it made me feel when I read this. It was like. "hi Jesus!" You know what I'm saying? Yes, no, maybe so.

The way my heart read it was more like this, "You forget my daughter, in your so called busy life I am always here. I am always wanting to be closer to your Heart always. You forget. But I Never forget. I know your Heart. And your name. You are my child. Even when your life gets in the way, I am always the same. Today, yesterday, and forever. The same." 

Do you ever feel like life is "crowded?" I sure do. And boy, I need to shove a few things outta' the way. Meaning...life is crowded but that doesn't mean Jesus is the "thing" that needs shoved out of the way. He wants me. Yeah, He wants me. I just need to de-clutter my life. And make more room for Jesus. It should really go, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Not um...yeah I need Jesus...but I'll be okay to not pray today or tomorrow. What this "saying" brought to my attention was, well, all of this. And reminded me of Who Jesus is to me. And that is Everything. He wants my heart. And I want His. He never gives up on me. 

Thank goodness He died for me. 
Thank goodness He forgave me. 
Thank goodness He never LEAVEs me.

It's a happy day! Because the more I realize I need Him, He shows me so much. What a Good God we have! He meets my needs. Every. Single one.

I hope you are having a happy day!